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Chief hull builder and one of our pilots, Sam, takes a moment to good off with his "Mickey" ears. 

Not shown in the photos from today are Teddy, Justin and Charlie who stopped by with their mom to help.  We have a super team!

We have a mix of extruded and expanded polystyrene board.  The nose is being done up in 1/2" and 1" thickness board.  The rest of the hull plug will be 2-3" board.  In this picture, our steering engineer is learning how hard (or easy) it is to shave the board.

All geared up for a turn at the band saw.  Our emergency systems engineer is looking pretty sharp in pink with safety glasses and ear protection, don't you think?

Lydia rough cut some foam circles using a hot knife.  It didn't work too well.  The knife sliced through the foam, all right, but then the foam melted back to itself.  With a little fiddling around (appropriate since Lydia's an awesome violinist), she managed to push that disc out.

The hull plug is starting to take shape!  And it looks like the pilot really will fit inside. 

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